Podcast tests
15 December 2008
The ongoing upgrade of the web site continues apace - well a(snails)pace really. I keep noticing things that I need to do in order to get the old static part of the web site properly integrated into Wordpress. But one of the most baffling things is my inability–
"Nothing baffling there!"
Who said that?
Anyway, as I was saying... One of the most baffling things is the failure to create proper podcasts. I seem to be generating invalid feeds, because the mp3 file which I upload can't be read properly by Wordpress which results in the file being tagged as of zero length and no filetype.
Given that I'm creating the mp3 files when I bounce the audio out of Logic Pro 8, this either means a bug in Wordpress which can't analyse the mp3 files properly, or a bug in Transmit (which I'm using to upload the files) or a bug in Logic itself.
Only one way to find out. I'm going to 'podcast' 4 variations of the same file - sorry folks. Each variation will be exactly the same audio file encoded to mp3 by 4 different Macintosh apps:
- Logic Pro 8
- Amadeus - the swiss army knife of sound editing
- Audion - the venerable and long discontinued mp3 player/editor
- and the ubiquitous iTunes
There will now follow 4 podcasts which will sound look and feel exactly the same. They'll all play fine on your screen on this site, but will they podcast?
Gosh. The excitement is almost unbearable.
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