While things may seem to be quiet on the 50th Anniversary Edition, there has been some noisier bustle elsewhere.
Cannon fodder for NedFodder
Wordpress admin CSS - updated
A few months ago, I tweaked the Wordpress admin css file because I wasn't keen on the Georgia typeface and disliked the menu styling (
I'm back - flat on my back...
Following the brief discussion with Sam on the back of the two unfinished songs post, I decided to publi
This week's advice column says...
...never trust a placeholder.
Hey - let's comment!
Yup - with the installation of Wordpress 1.5 up and running I've enabled comments again.
Oops - navigation screwed
As a last step before climbing into bed with the wonderful (if snoring) Ruth I just checked my web stats and noticed that some of you were having difficulty getting access to some of the pages on t
Arghh - it's my voice!
As my more devoted readers will confirm, I managed to delete the audio files I'd recorded for 'Keep on', so last weekend I re-recorded the vocals in four passes (I sang the song four times in other
Upgrading the blog
I'm in the process of upgrading the Progress section of the site (alright, the blog) to Wordpress 1.5 which should allow you to join in and make comments when you see fit.
Two songs? Just two unfinished songs?
Well, I've been back a week and rarely had time to do anything. Work has been just a little bit intense...
And so it begins...
The project starts today.
I've got the bass back from Manchesterguitartech with a new nut (what a distinctive sound is a fretless Jazz bass) so I'm packing the car and away.